Lampland the music of Tommy Bazarian, who has recently released his debut album, "No Mood." We've asked him a few questions about his music:

Why did you start making music?
I started making music when I was a kid... too early to remember why! Though I wouldn't be surprised if the movie School of Rock had something to do with it.

Your debut Album "No Mood" was released last month, what influenced the sound and songwriting for the tracks?
Blake Mills’ first record, Break Mirrors, set me on the path of this project more than anything. I’d come back to it again and again, for the songwriting, arrangements, production… I find every minute of that album so inspiring.

What's your songwriting process?
I pounce on different instruments and try to start writing something before the judge-y part of my brain can get in the way. I also go for lots of walks. I'm not sure how productive they are, but the walks are my favorite part.

Is there a hidden meaning in any of your music?
Sure. There are a lot of unintended meanings at least, that I find buried in there later. I almost always like what they end up being.

What are your future plans for your music?
We'll be playing shows through the rest of the year — follow us online to stay in the loop! And already at work on the next record, more news on that soon.

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?
I went to a theater and saw this movie, where the picture kept cutting to black random moments. I thought it was supposed to be experimental and I was pretty into it. But it turned out the theater was just having trouble with the projector.


