Irish electropop artist Host released her debut EP, "Adolescent Content," earlier this week, supported by a killer video for her single, "Taste of Your Love." We've asked her a few questions about her music:

Why did you start making music?
It was natural instinct. Literally. Like learn to walk, learn to talk, learn to make music.

Who are your biggest influences; who inspires you?
I get great inspiration from seeing people being themselves and just living their life for themselves. I feel like 'Billie Eilish' is doing a lot of that lately, I really like her. The music video for 'When the party's over' was just wow, one shot! Like, it was one shot! Also the fact that she came up with the whole Idea herself was really nice to hear. Artist, Lucas David is v cool. I think some people are under the impression that its no longer cool to be a stereotypical, pretentious artist type but his authenticity makes it transfixing. Grimes will always be a big inspiration to me because I am all about that DIY approach and if there is anyone who knows about that it's Grimes.

Your debut EP "Adolescent Content" was recently released, what influenced the sound and songwriting for the tracks?
The sound always shocks me when I hear it, because it never makes sense in my head with my interests and Influences but I just let it all happen organically and I love it! The songwriting was as a whole was all based around people in my life, myself included, either being an angsty teenager or acting like like one hence the name 'Adolescent Content' 

You've also released a new music video for the single, "Taste of Your Love." How was that conceptualized and completed?
The concept for the music video didn't come about until the song was finish. They never do. With music videos it's funny because my mind will be totally blank for ideas until I know i'm ready with the track and then it all just comes gushing and floods my mind. I think a lot of it is like a subconscious visual. Like, I don't sit down with a script and relate it to the lyrics or anything. I think because my songs are honest and true to my life so are the ideas for the videos. It's the same story, yano? I filmed the entire video in my mothers kitchen and during filming I actually got a nasty knock to the head but as soon as I recovered from that I dove straight into the editing.

What's your songwriting process?
I have spurts of inspiration, be it a riff on guitar or a tune in the shower. Then I tweek and tweek and tweek. It takes me ages to work on a song if I'm being completely honest. Took me almost a year to finish 'Taste of your love' adding this removing that while doing the same with a bunch of other song at the same time. I've only ever written one song in one sitting and it's my absolute favorite song! I had a very dramatic summer and obviously a lot of built up emotion so I just word vomited it all in one go! It was really strange actually. So, I suppose you could say it varies all the time.

Is there a hidden meaning in any of your music?
I don't think so. I'm very much a 'what you see is what you get' kinda person. I tend to wear my emotions. My friends can always tell how I feel. Even if I tried to hide it I couldn't. I could write a really cryptic song but I guarantee you I'd have to explain why its so cryptic and hidden hahaha so it would be a little pointless. Let's just cut to the chase.

What are your future plans for your music?
To make more of it!

Tell us something quirky about yourself.
I love writing during a full moon.​

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